Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29

Another busy day at work. I met Michael for lunch.We got to vent about things, which makes going forward during the day better.
I stopped at Papa Murphy's and picked up a pizza to bake for dinner.
All in all not too much of an exciting day, just a normal one.

1 comment:

punkersdanielle said...

Hehe, awww, the birdies!! I love birdies! :-)

Yes, I do have an adventure planned for this weekend!

This is how it's going down:

Friday: Bellydance

Sat: Open house at my bellydance instructor's new studio... THen catch a ferry and haul to Kamloops.

Weekend w/ my friend Genine... We are going to do some wedding prep stuff! She's getting married in May...

Haul back Monday morn...

Bellydance Monday eve.

I don't think it could be any more awesome of a weekend. :-)