Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16

We all got sad news yesterday at work. My boss, Linda, the best boss ever has decided to retire as of July. I was too shocked to cry. I cannot imagine working there without her. She has been with the company for 18 years and I am happy for her, but, so sad for all of us. Her knowledge is irreplaceable. Her kindness and understanding will never be forgotten.It leaves the future for our department up in the air and it will be a challenge in the months to come.
It rained all night. Yesterday it got to 50 degrees. This is definitely a strange winter. When I went out at lunch it felt more like early spring then mid winter.
Not much planned for the weekend. I do not have MLK day off. It is a floating holiday for us. I have it approved to use it for the day of the procedure, whenever that will be. NW Pulmonary called but when I called to make an appointment the person who does that was off. So they are to call next week to schedule the appointment.

1 comment:

kkryno said...

Sorry to hear about your boss leaving. I hate it when a good thing changes, although for her it is a good developement.

Temps in the 50's? Watch out; there's bound to be a cold snap on it's way!

I love the bowling, but the tennis really is a good work out for someone who hasn't done much in a while. ;)

What procedure are you having done?
E-mail me if you want.

Have a nice week-end.