Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday Dec 17

I feel like so many of the blogs, FB comments and tweets out there. Disgusted, dissapointed and discouraged. Last election we worked to elect a democratic president and a democratic majority so they could get things done.

Now we are still waging two wars, depleting our national funds, bailing out corrupt businesses who do not plan on changing their ways and it is hard to see that there is any difference from the past 8 year administration.

This healthcare reform bill is a joke. You are going to force people to buy health insurance but give no public option? Sounds like a win win for the evil health insurance companies. No funds to help women? I swear if men could get pregnant birth control and abortion would have been written in the Declaration of Independence. When our we as women going to stand up and say enough is enough?

Don't even get me started on the evil politicians. Take Joe Liberman's chairmanship away. Why when he said he wanted to change and be a democrat again, did we just say No Thank You Joe - You Suck You Traitor and we don't want you back! He is only putting in his time until he can become a lobyist for the insurance companies. Palin - stupid bigot -GO AWAY! Bachman she should be impeached! I'm not saying their are not good politicians. Barbara Boxer is my hero. But there are few Bboxes around.

And the media...Just shut the fuck up! I have never understood how we decided to place value on people. A person who can play a game, throw a ball or play pretend or sing a song make millions and we care about there every move, but, hard working people like teachers, scientists, doctors, farmers, truckers, computer programmers and all others have little or no value. I don't care if Tiger Woods is on his 22 million yacht floating around thinking about his troubles, or if the newest hollywood couple have broke up...Who cares?

You make your bed you lay in it.

What I see each day are companies barely making ends meet, employees getting laid off and businesses all over town closing up. Maybe it is winter setting in. I keep hoping it will get better. My own company is cutting back and I hope they will keep me on since I was the last one that was hired.

But there are good things and things to be happy and grateful for. Maybe next post I will feel lighter and more optimistic. Maybe I will delete this post.

1 comment:

kkryno said...

Don't delete it; this is a very important post. I feel much like you do, and I don't think that it's just the winter settling in. People are truly tired of money being gobbled up and no positive progress being achieved. And we're sick of being fed a load of hoo-ey, while the shovelers of said crap act surprised that we are sick to death of it. The media has gone all-tabloid on us; I guess they think we are too stupid to handle real information as opposed to fluff and such. I don't even want to watch the "news" at all anymore.

Where is this world headed?